Fine Craft Shows at Chautauqua July 11–13 & August 8 –10, 2025
I am a bead weaver. Bead weaving refers to beadwork that is done on a loom, or by hand (off-loom) using a needle and thread and one or more beading stitches ( e.g. Peyote, herringbone or spiral stitch, etc) to create an intricate chain or fabric of beads. The work I am submitting is done off-loom. Most commonly, bead weaving utilizes small seed beads, but there are many different types of beads that can be used such as: zoloduo; super duo; cabochons, etc. I use many different types of beads in my work. I am a self-taught bead weaver and have just finished my first year of working in this medium. I was gratified to have won an award for my jewelry at the 2019 Lewiston Art Festival. The Burchfield-Penney Museum in Buffalo, NY accepted my work and has it on display and for sale as well. I believe that I have learned a great deal this year about product presentation and customer care.