Fine Craft and Art Shows at Chautauqua July 11–13 & August 8 –10, 2025
I have been working with wood most of my adult life. Early on, collaborating with local spinners, I designed and built a spinning wheel and various weaving supplies for the fiber artist community. The spinning wheels involved a great deal of woodturning, and I found that I really enjoyed creating on the lathe. The challenge of taking a piece of wood and creating something unique is what keeps me turning as well. Indeed, woodturning is my primary focus. I use a full-size wood lathe and handheld woodturning tools such as spindle gouges, bowl gouges, skews, and scrapers. My wood source is mainly local hardwoods reclaimed from storm damage or tree trimming. Some of the species I turn are maple, black walnut, cherry, hickory, and ash, to name a few. I also work with many exotics: ebony, red heart, cocobolo, purple heart, olive wood, rosewood, and zebra wood. The wood is mounted on the lathe utilizing centers, faceplates, and chucks, as well as friction chucks that I have made.