Fine Craft Shows at Chautauqua July 11–13 & August 8 –10, 2025
I make wood-fired pottery intended for everyday use. Therefore, I care deeply about the functional aspect of my pots in action. Each stoneware vessel considers the wood-firing process. I am interested in further expanding my understanding of the kiln’s response to my actions with the pot’s surface and design. As a result, my forms are intended to encourage subtleties such as catching wood ash, controlling pooling, encouraging flashing, or growing crystals. I acknowledge the atmosphere of the kiln, using glazes and flashing slips that interact with melting wood ash. Lastly, I am guided by my Western New York upbringing and educational background. Even though my pottery reflects an American tradition blended with Asian aesthetics, the wood ash speaks to my place in time and my home, Chautauqua County.